If you’re installing a Virtuscape virtual instrument you will have received one or more .hr files. These contain the audio samples that need to be extracted.

***YOU MUST FIRST OPEN THE STANDALONE APP*** located in your Applications folder.

When you open the instrument for the first time you will be presented with two buttons, click Install Samples.

You’ll then be prompted to select the file that ends in .hr1. Then you’ll be asked to select the location to extract the samples to.

This doesn’t need to be the same location where you installed the plugin. For the best performance it is generally recommended to install samples on an SSD.

When you have selected the destination folder the sample installation tool window will open. This provides you with two additional settings – Overwrite existing samples, and Delete Sample Archive after extration. For a first time install I recommend leaving both of these at their default value.

Click ok. You’ll then have a short wait while the samples are extracted to your chosen location.

After the process is complete you might see a prompt saying The sample directory does not exist, click the Ignore button. Now you’ll need to close and reopen the plugin or standalone application to complete the setup.